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Release Agent BIO-700G

BIO 700 G waterbased  mould releases will provide multiple releases for EVA
compound and other compound that equal with EVA rubber.




  • Multiple Release
  • No Transfer
  • Reduce Build-up
  • Environmentally Friendly
    Waterbased Formulas




  • Lower Scrap
  • Better Cosmetics
  • Increase Productivity
  • Superior Release-Ease




Mould Surface Preparation

Clean mould with bead blast media, solvent and/or high pH detergent ( or other means )
to remove all traces of prior release agent and dirt build-up. Although BIO 700 G may
work well on a dirty tool, starting with a clean tool will provide the best result.

Application of WATERBASED BIO 700 G

Dilution :

Bio 700 G can be diluted 1 : 20 – 40 to water depend on the best practices of the users.

Base Coat

For best result, the tool should be above 180 oF or 82 oC. For spraying, use light spray atomization, applying 3 light coats from different direction, allowing the film to dry between coats.

For Hot Touch-Up ( Up to 500  oF or 260 oC )

Use same spray technique as for base coat. At temperatures above 250 oF or 121 oC the film will cure almost instantly. For touch-up, apply only 1 uniform light coating before failure occurs to ensure best performance.

Packaging:  BIO 700G  product is available in 25 /20 kg container

Handling and Storage:

The waterbased BIO 700 G product is stable and require no mixing. Container should be keep closed and below 120 F or 49 C. Keep waterbased products from freezing.

Safety Precaution: Consult Material Safet Data Sheets.

Manufactured by:

Myosi International , PT

Jl. Raya Narogong, Cileungsi, Bogor, Indonesia 16820

Phone : 62-021 824 98 234 Fax : 62-021 824 93 650

e-mail : myosiinternationalpt@yahoo.com

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