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leading chemical industry

Brand of Excellent Quality

We are commited to provide best quality  products and services

PT. MYOSI INTERNATIONAL is a leading chemical manufacture that produces and trades quality products such as rubber anti-tack agent, mold release agent, mandrel release agent, cleaner agent, anti-blooming, natural latex, adhesive, thinner and solvent, EPDM rubber, smoked sheet rubber and other products.

We also produce household products / PKRT (Perbekalan Kesehatan Rumah Tangga), such as: laundry products (detergents, softeners, perfumes, etc), dish soap, ceramic and porcelain cleaners, antiseptic and disinfectant, as well as car care products (vehicle washing soap / Snow wash, tire polish, etc.), and other PKRT products

Our products are suitable for automotive, include (automotive metal parts, automotive rubber parts, automotive plastic parts, automotive tube parts, rubber hose, tire, etc), shoe, bag, house furniture, garment, silk-screening, car body, paint, and other industries.

We are commited to provide best quality  products and services.

Our motto is “Brand of Excellent Quality”, meaning that we provide the best quality products with the best delivery and service supported by an expert manpower.

Through innovation with our authentic formula, we create highest economic valued products to support the industries, as we adopted best technology from Japan, German, and USA. Our customers have satisfied with products, services, and deliveries.

We are opened to every industry to be our partners and get our future goals. Grow and prosper together.

PT. MYOSI INTERNATIONAL adalah manufaktur kimia terkemuka yang memproduksi dan memperdagangkan produk-produk berkualitas seperti agen anti-tack karet, agen pelepas cetakan, agen pelepas mandrel, agen pembersih, anti-mekar, lateks alam, perekat, pengencer dan pelarut, karet EPDM, lembaran asap karet dan produk lainnya.

Produk kami cocok untuk otomotif, antara lain (suku cadang logam otomotif, suku cadang karet otomotif, suku cadang plastik otomotif, suku cadang tabung otomotif, selang karet, ban, dll), sepatu, tas, perabot rumah tangga, garmen, sablon, bodi mobil, cat , dan industri lainnya.

Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan produk dan layanan dengan kualitas terbaik.

Motto kami adalah “Brand of Excellent Quality”, yang berarti, kami memberikan kualitas produk unggul dengan pengiriman yang tepat waktu karena kami di dukung oleh tenaga ahli di setiap bidang.

Melalui inovasi menggunakan formula asli, kami menciptakan produk untuk mendukung industri dengan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi, karena teknologi terbaik yang diadopsi dari Jepang, Jerman, dan USA. Pelanggan kami memiliki pengalaman yang luar biasa pada produk, layanan, dan pengiriman.

Kami sangat terbuka pada setiap industri terkait untuk bekerja sama mencapai keberhasilan masa depan. Tumbuh dan sejahtera bersama.

How can we help you

One of our mission is to deliver best quality product with continuous improvement. With the best quality, we offer a competitive price.


Excellent Product


Excellent Service


Excellent Delivery


Excellent Process


Excellent People

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1 + 6 =

What we do

Why choose us

A leader in manufacturing and trading chemical industry

Who We Are

PT. MYOSI INTERNATIONAL is a leading chemical manufacture that produces and trades quality products such as rubber anti-tack agent, mold release agent, mandrel release agent, cleaner agent, anti-blooming, natural latex, adhesive, thinner and solvent, EPDM rubber, smoked sheet rubber and other products.

20 Years Of Success 

From start up to corporation,
Myosi International has many success story to tell from the happy customers.

Our Services 

We listen, we understand and we become part of your team, helping you to maximise opportunities and overcome business challenges

Certified ISO

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015


water based anti tack agent. It prevents rubber sheet on sticking each others

Mandrel Release Agent

 Release agent for mandrel type and it contains lubricant for rubber hose producer, so this product could be used to lube various rubber hose and any other vulcanized rubbers.


provide SMOOTH release for Rubber compound and other compound that equal with rubber compound

Let’s work together

Our team is ready to give a hand on technical support for your formulas’ issues. Our existence would be the solution to your industry on the products and prices.

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