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Anti Tack Agent PD-0829

Anti Tack Agent PD-0829 is a water based anti tack agent. It prevents rubber sheet on sticking each others and compatible for all rubber compound.

Anti Tack Agent PD-0829 adalah anti rekat berbahan dasar air. Untuk mencegah lapisan karet menyatu satu sama lainnya dan cocok untuk semua jenis campuran karet.

It has following advantages

1). Environment friendly – Produces no dust

2). No side-effect on rubber’s color changes and finished product

3). No blooming or yellowish effect

Kelebihan produk ini adalah

1). Ramah lingkungan – tidak berdebu

2). Tanpa efek samping pada pergantian warna karet dan produk jadi

3). Tanpa pemekaran dan tidak kekuning-kuningan


Physical Properties
Appearance : Milky White
PH @ 25 *C : 6-7
S. Gravity : 1.00 + – 0.10 g/mL
Solubility in water : Soluble
Application : Rubber
Shelf Life : 1 year
25 kg net weight of plastic containers

Health and Safety Information

  • Classified and labelled according to the regulations to transport dangerous substances
  • Protective measurements to store and handle
  • Measures in case of accidents and fires
  • Toxicity and ecological effects

Health and Safety Information is provided in our material safety data sheets


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