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Anti Tack Agent (Filler Type) MD-706A

myosi anti-tack TDS MD-706A

MD-706A is rubber anti-tack agent filler type (zinc stearate dispersion) that effectively used to prevent rubber sheet stick each other. It is recommended to dilute this product with water up to 1:25, the product will work well if it stirred well before use.

It has following advantages

  1. Better cleanliness at working place – no dust

  2. No effect on the rubber color and finished product 3). No blooming / Yellowing effect


In usage MD-706A diluted with water up to 1 – 25% concentration (up to 1 part MD-706A on 25 parts water). Higher concentration is depend on the rubber compound composition, lower hardness need higher concentration.

Physical Properties



Milky white liquid

Specific Gravity (at 25oC )


0.80 – 0.90 g/cm3



8 – 10

Solubility in Water



Shelf Life


1 year



Rubber Anti-tack


50 Kg, 125 Kg, 200 Kg net weight of plastic containers

Storage Handling

Provided proper storage and handling precautions are taken we would expect MD-706A to be technically stable for at least 12 months. For detailed advice on Storage and Handling please refer to the Safety Data Sheet

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