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Washing agent / Degreasing agent MD-91W

MD-91W Is a liquid cleaner / degreaser to remove grease or oil on finished product, especially for reduce mandrel release agent on rubber hose. MD-91W diluted by water up to 3-5% concentration (it is recommended to dissolve it with warm water 60-70°C), higher...

Mandrel Release Agent Bio-700K

Bio-700K (For NBR, NBR-PVC, EPDM and other rubber compounds) Is a liquid mandrel release agent the facilitates both the mounting of the uncured hose on the mandrel and the removal of the cured hose from the mandrel. Works efficiently for NBR, NBR-PVS, EPDM, CR,...

Mandrel Release Agent MD-295P

MD-295P (For NBR, NBR-PVC, EPDM and other rubber compounds) Is a liquid mandrel release agent the facilitates both the mounting of the uncured hose on the mandrel and the removal of the cured hose from the mandrel.Works efficiently for NBR, NBR-PVC, EPDM, CR, Acrylic...

Jual Rubber Anti-Tack Agents Jabodetabek

Jual Anti-Tack Agents INFO 0811896785  area Jakarta,bogor,depok,tangerang, dan bekasi juga melayani Seluruh Indonesia Apa itu Anti-Tack Agents Anti Tack Agent, berfungsi untuk mencegah vulkanisasi pada permukaan komponen karet (karet mentah) selama penyimpanan. Produk...

Lem Kuning Untuk HPL Kulit Dan Lain Sebagainya

Lem kuning serbaguna kami adalah perusahaan produsen lem kuning serbaguna seperti untuk HPL WA 0811896785 Lem Kuning Adalah Lem kuning adalah lem serbaguna yang bisa digunakan di berbagai macam bahan seperti karet, kulit, busa, PVC, plastik, HPL, formika, tripleks,...
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