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Water Based Inside Paint MD-919

Inside Paint Release Agent MD-919 is a waterbased inside paint release agent, environmental friendly,  inside tire and bladder lubricant.

MD – 919 Inside Paint Release Agent provides the following benefits


  • Reduced Rim Slip
  • Fewer Adhesion Failures
  • Superior Side wall Adhesion
  • Enhanced Letter Formation
  • Decreased Product Build up on Spray System
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs due to a Cleaner Work Environment


Service Provided by Direct Sale Engineers 

Application of Waterbased  MD-919 Inside Paint Release Agent

MD-919 Inside Paint Release Agent can be spray applied to either the bladder itself or to the inside of the green tire. Application usually made every molding cycle, but in some cases application is made every 2nd,3rd,4th molding cycle. MD-919 Inside Paint Release Agent has a 12-month self life

Physical Characteristics :
Appearance : Milky Light Brown
pH : 8.0  – 10
Specific Grav : 1.25 ± 0.05 g/ml
Viscosity :  700 – 800  cps

MD- 919  Inside Paint Release Agent  products are available in  200 kg drums.

Handling and Storage:

Container should be keep closed prior to and during use. Store below 120o F (38o C) an above 32o F (0o C). Keep  products from freezing. DO NOT store material in aluminum, steel, or galvanizes steel containers, Recommend a stainless steel container or use of a plastic liner.

Safety Precaution:

Consult Material Safety Data

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