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Water Based Anti Blooming Agent MD-3009NB

MD-3009NBĀ is a water based anti blooming agent. Effective to clean and prevent black rubber outsole from blooming or solidifying. This product is not contained toluene or other carcinogenic materials.

MD-3009NB adalah anti pemekaran berbahan dasar air. Efektif untuk membersihkan dan mencegah karet hitam (untuk alas sepatu) dari pemekaran dan pembekuan. Produk ini tidak mengandung toluene atau bahan karsinogenik lainnya.

Apply this product to bloomed or solidified rubber surface until the white spot dismissed from rubber surface. Let it dry at the room temperature and keep rubber outsole properly.

Gunakan produk ini pada permukaan karet yang mekar dan padat sampai noda putih menghilang dari permukaan karet. Biarkan kering pada suhu ruangan dan simpan dengan baik.

Physical Properties

Form : Liquid
Appearance and Odorness : Milky White
Boiling Point ( 760 mm Hg ) : Approx., 171F
Specific Gravity ( H2O = 1 ) : 0.80 + 0.1 g/ml
Solubility in Water : Soluble
Shelf Life : 1 year


Packaging : 20 ltr /can


Health and Safety Information


  • Classified and labelled according to the regulations to transport dangerous substances
  • Protective measurements to store and handle
  • Measures in case of accidents and fires
  • Toxicity and ecological effects


Health and Safety Information is provided in our material safety data sheets.

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